I was recently reminded that we haven't updated this blog in a very long time. I apologize to all of Felix's fans and can only say that we are too busy enjoying this little guy! Frankly, I don't get enough computer time to keep up with my work so when I sit down at the computer, I try very hard to avoid doing anything personal on it. That said, tonight he is sleeping in his own bed and I'm somewhat caught up, so here goes.
I'm including a picture of Natalie's graduation. It is hard to believe it has been two months now since that happy occassion! We are so proud of her. She is now working full days at her dad's office as an administrative assistant but she takes one day off a week to spend with Felix so that I can keep up with my clients. She is a great big sister and Felix adores her.
I'll do my best to send a more recent picture sometime soon. But lets be realistic...