In our neighborhood, the city is replacing all the sidewalks and the street. Felix wakes each morning and intently watches the workers demolishing and building. A word he has learned in all this is 'backhoe'. He loves the backhoe, and anytime he sees a vehicle or picture of a vehicle that remotely resembles one, he yells 'backhoe, backhoe, backhoe'. We went to a clothing store the other day where he saw a shirt with a tractor on it, 'backhoe, backhoe, backhoe' he yelled until we acknowledged that he has seen a backhoe. The work crew made the mistake of leaving the backhoe over the weekend, as you can see Felix and Renae took it for a spin.

I know that all the talk right now is on the recent trip Natalie and I took to Switzerland, but this is Felix's blog so we will defer to him. Well, I will say that Natalie and I were met at the airport by Megan, Renae, and Felix, all wearing Switzerland shirts. I was really moved at how excited Felix got when he saw me. As you might remember from a previous post, Felix and I play foosball. Well, as Renae tells me, while I was gone, Felix got up to the foosball table and was calling for me, then began referring to the foosball figures as daddy, and then proceeded to kiss them. I teared up when I heard that.
Also while I was gone, Felix used his potty chair for the first time. Not only that, he stood up to pee. That has been the only time he has used it, though we have not really been trying. We also have a potty seat that fits over the toilet. He has been getting up on it, though he has not "used" it yet. He seems interested, so we will let him explore at his pace.
As you can see, Felix was a pirate this Halloween. When we first introduced the costume to him a few weeks ago, he didn't want anything to do with it. But Renae had the great idea of easing him into it each day. Eventually he loved it, probably from all the attention he got while wearing it.
At one point we had some company over and Renae asked Felix if he wanted to put on his pirate costume, he ran over to get it and couldn't wait to show himself off in it.
Our Halloween was cold but, thankfully, dry. On our block, the city is replacing all the sidewalks and the street. Literally replacing the street. Anyway, I think we didn't get as many trick-or-treaters as we could have. Felix really enjoyed all the decorations on the houses in the neighborhood. He wouldn't say trick-or-treat, but he had no problem reaching into the candy bowl he was offered and taking a treat. Though, sometimes I would have to influence his choice.