Blogspot is in the process of introducing a new feature to our blogs. To some extent we can now post short movies on our blogs. This little clip is from several weeks ago and, thanks to the miracles of modern technology, we can now share it with you. There is one little caveat that many of you may have already realized- you may not be able to see it. I did some tinkering on this and I have found that I am not able to view it using the Explorer browser. I have been able to view it using the Firefox Mozilla browser (I have found this browser to be far superior to Microsoft's, sorry Mike). Firefox Mozilla can be easily downloaded for free off the internet, and it's completely safe.
Back in April, we took a trip to Chicago. While there, Felix was given the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", by my dear cousin, Becky. Felix loves this book and it is in heavy rotation on the list of books Felix likes me to read to him. We've read it enough that Felix has memorized most of the book. So while it may appear in this clip that Felix Truman is reading, he is in fact trying to pull one over on you and is instead reciting. Below is the page he is "reading", if you open the picture in another window, you will be able to make out the words and read along with him.