I finally got around to clearing the memory card on my camera and came across pictures from when we went to the zoo last May. I had intended to compose a post of this but I.. uh... was busy with... well, it was a long time ago so I'm sure I have a very valid reason. But, because it was so long ago I have forgotten exactly what happened that day. I will try my best to remember, though details are a little sketchy:

Here is a picture of Felix with the leopard he wrestled. Not out of anger, but in playful fun. It was a new program the zoo had put together to get kids more in touch with nature. Of course the leopard was declawed, missing all it's teeth, and under a fair amount of sedation, but his fur was really soft. Felix kept pulling his tail and the leopard didn't mind at all. Kudos to the zoo, they've really trained him well.

A peacock also caught the fancy of young Truman. The peacock didn't do much other than block our entrance into Zoomazium. Well that's it for our trip to the zoo back in May. But as a bonus, I've attached some random pictures that span from May until August-

You may remember a similar picture of Felix but with the goggles on top of his head. I forgot to include the one where he is wearing them.

Perhaps Renae suggested that I include pictures of her with Felix. Yep, maybe.

A recently discovered picture of Felix at the beach and Trumie enjoying a Dove ice cream bar.

Felix and his buddy, Rooney, gossiping over yogurts, and, if you look closely, Felix in a running stride (both feet off the ground).
A blog post can be metaphorically described as a dessert: you have the frosting or the pictures, and the bready part or the text. We tolerate the bread part because we lie to ourselves that that is the healthy part, it's bread, it justifies the frosting. But that is what we really want- the frosting. And that is what I give you with just enough bread so that we can still call it cake.