Alright, a few weeks ago Renae was supposed to blog what I thought was a very funny story, but she still hasn't gotten to it, and I have an even funnier story that I wouldn't be able to blog about because it would overshadow hers, and be out of order. So I will tell hers and then mine.
Felix is at that stage where nearly everything you tell him, he replies with the question "why?". I don't want to discourage his curiosity so I answer as best I can, though at some point I usually end up saying that I don't know. I have found what I think is a good solution; after he asks why a couple of times, I will ask him why does he think. Sometimes he considers it and forms an answer himself, other times he'll say that he doesn't know and then drop it. About that three weeks ago, Renae tried this tact and got a completely different response. When she asked Felix why he thought whatever it was they were discussing might be, he responded, "No mommy, I say the whys".
Now on to my story which took place about an hour ago. Last Saturday night I "won" some cookies at my company holiday party. So tonight, Renae went down to her sister's for a little while and I thought she took the cookies with her. Just about an hour ago Felix asked about the cookies and I told him that mommy has them in her car. Our little Truman then says "Damn it, mommy". I try not to give it any attention, hoping he'll soon forget about this phrase. "Damn it, mommy", he says and I wonder if he is trying to get a reaction. He then looks up at me and reassuringly says, "Daddy, you can say it too. Damn it, mommy", as if I wanted to say it but wasn't sure if I should. I tell him, "I don't like to say that, I don't think that word is very nice." To which he offers, "Then I'll say it for you, Daddy. Damn it, mommy."
On to other things. I was playing around with Felix's hands and noticed something a little odd- I think he is double jointed in his thumbs. I wasn't sure if that was the case or if perhaps all or most little kids thumbs will bend that way. So I go to check Felix's cousin Rooney's thumbs and he freaks out as soon as I touch his hands. So I still don't know for sure, but I think Trumie is double jointed.