I saw a movie years ago where a Marine was being questioned by an officer on why the Marine's helmet displayed a peace sign and also the words "born to kill". The soldier answered he was trying to express the duality of man. Felix also expressed the duality of man, though he did it with a little more flair than the Marine had.
Every night Renae and I each take a turn reading to Tru. Usually Renae reads first, and then I come in and read until he falls asleep. The night this story concerns itself with, I read first. After reading about a half-hour, the norm for the first reader, Renae takes her turn. As Renae told me what Felix told her something that is one rich reward for parenthood. "Do you know why I love daddy?" Felix asks Renae as she lies down to read, "Because I just do." Renae soon begins to read and Felix interrupts her to say, "I really love daddy, mommy, I really love daddy". I wanted to cry.
The weekend before last, Renae, Felix, and I used our membership pass in it's last several days of validity to visit the Seattle Aquarium. We had a great time and ended our visit at the aquarium cafeteria. Felix is picky and didn't eat much. He had a hamburger that he didn't like. The hamburger was pretty good, but it wasn't what he was used to so he didn't eat it. Oh well. So we're driving home and Felix tells us he is hungry and that he wants to go to an "eating shop". We tell him he can wait until we get home. No! He wants to go to an eating shop. And to demonstrate just how much, he throws a tantrum. I really didn't want to hear it, Renae and I are trying to reason with him, explain his options, but Felix is unmoved. Actually he is getting very mad, he picks up and throws a book at us from the backseat. It was actually kind of funny. In the rear view mirror I can see him looking around for objects to throw. I'm kind laughing and thinking to myself 'Wow, he is really angry'. He's reaching for items but he can't get to them so he takes off his shoe and throws it. Bam! he got me, though only on my arm. It did kind of hurt though. Renae immediately turns back to him and sternly warns him to never throw anything at the driver. I think he realized he crossed a line. He settled down though he was still unhappy. As a reward for settling down, we took him to an eating shop. No we didn't.
Felix's new 'passion' is dinosaurs. Before I get into to that, I think I need to acknowledge the fantastic asset to society the public library system is. Anyway, after reading all the books on dinosaurs he wanted to see them at the Pacific Science Center. Here he is posing with a couple of feasting deinonychus's (I don't know if my plural is right).
He hasn't given up on space, however. He enjoyed a chance to sit in a replica of a Russian space capsule. Actually, I don't remember if it really was Russian.

And lastly, Renae made a little robot costume for Felix. I thought it was pretty resourceful of her, I was about to throw the box out.