It has been too, too long since I posted. It is hard enough to get time to work on the computer and keep my business going, but time to post all of the many changes and events in our lives is too much to ask. However, I'm recovering from eye surgery and found it affords me just enough visibility to see what I'm typing, but not enough to work with numbers and be a functional bookkeeper, thus, you get an updated post!
We've had a busy summer, Felix and I. My work has slowed enough so that we are spending a great deal more time together. While dad has been working away we've taken off to Ocean Shores to help celebrate Grandma of the Century winning Postmaster of the Year. We also spent a good deal of time in Puyallup jumping on the trampoline, heading over to NW Trek and viewing lots of baby animals this year. We've made the most of the $3 theater nearby and we've hung out at the water park, the lake, and the river. Felix is learning to ride his new bike and plays often with his new Lego sets. We've had play dates and baking days. We have been to carnivals and Seafair. Enjoy this picture of our jedi at the Torchlight Parade.
In the spirit of Maria Montessori we've been working on more independence from our little man. I've been encouraging him to learn how to handle all of his personal hygiene in the bathroom in anticipation of full-day preschool in the fall. We're still working on that. I've also put my foot down and refused to assist him in dressing anymore. He didn't approve of that change and so tried out a new term he must have picked up, "Mom, you're fired." Apparently, he sees my job as helping him get dressed and if I'm not willing to do that than I might as well leave. Hmmph. If only that qualified me for unemployment.
Anyway, he's also taken on some chores around the house. We decided them together and they are:
sweeping (spreading the dirt around)
mopping (sloshing water around)
raking the leaves (like when do we ever do that?)
feeding the dogs (well, almost regularly)
He does, however, take full responsibility with the chickens. He spends a great deal of time in the coup, harrassing, I mean taking care of our pullets. He follows them around the yard for free range time and can gather them up when it is time to put them back. He's diligent about watching his hands afterwards. He really cares for those little gals.