Also, as you see to the right, Felix's latest school picture is out. Renae scanned that picture and posted it on Facebook. That is where I took it from and may explain why, though I indicated 'medium', the picture is so small on Blogspot.
So, as Renae tells me, there are occasions where Felix accompanies his good friend, Charlie, to karate lessons. I think Rooney goes as well. I can only guess that that is where he learned his skills, though I'm quite sure they don't use sticks. Anyway, we painted the kitchen last week which is a remarkable accomplishment as that task was begun seven years ago. When we put on the addition to the house the kitchen was to be painted then but it was only primed. So for seven years we've had nothing but primer on most of the kitchen walls. With everything out of the kitchen and the walls dry, Tru took the opportunity to use the empty space as a stage and demonstrated Ninjaesque prowess.
There is also a heartbreaking story about rejection that Renae should really be relaying but I'll tell you what I know. Renae was volunteering at the school and had to look on as some older kids coldly rejected Felix's efforts to play with them which caused him a good deal of pain. When Renae told me about it, I had just gotten home from work. I was angry that someone would hurt my son like that, but they're just kids and they aren't tactful. Though he was home now and the moment had passed, I just wanted to hold him. It must have been awful for Renae who had to witness it. I love you, buddy.