Whoa, it's been awhile, huh? Okay, so let's see if I can recall what has been going on. I suppose I should mention Christmas as it is a major holiday... well there it is.

My birthday also passed. We were invited by some friends to spend that weekend at Fort Flagler, a state park on the Olympic Peninsula. It was very similar to our beloved Fort Worden, including early 20th century munitions bunkers. I would say the bunkers were probably the highlight for Felix. Our friend Mike and I took Felix and his buddy Finn on a healthy walk down to the bunkers. It was a little piece of heaven for Felix as he enlisted us into playing some kind of shoot-each-other-with-guns game while running through the several story, concrete structure. In actuality it made me a little nervous; there are many sections where there are unguarded drops of at least ten feet, and in other sections scant protection from twenty foot falls. In those areas Mike and I hovered over the kids.

The house previously owned by our late, dear neighbor, Dusty, was bought and the new owner is making some much needed renovations. He had the house raised and had a new foundation poured. He is planning a fairly large addition, we'll see. This doesn't really mean much to Felix but I had a picture of him with the raised house.

Cousin Rooney, however, means quite a bit to him. I threw in a gratuitous picture.
Felix now tells us of a couple of individuals: Mr. Banana Peel and Strong Chicken. I don't hear as much about Strong Chicken, only in vague references, but Mr. Banana Peel is quite a character. It would not be out of the ordinary for Mr. Banana Peel to be sitting on the car's side mirror, hanging out while we are driving, making faces or throwing things at passing cars. He may also be inclined to crawl atop your head and poop. What is really funny about this is how Felix laughs so hard when he is telling us. He gets this cute, high pitch chuckle as he finds himself hysterical at the scenarios he imagines for this Banana fellow.