Each year around mid-September, we look forward to the crocus bloom in our front yard. Two years ago we missed it, but we happened to be in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland and saw fields full of wild crocus. Felix seems to like them, well at least not mind them, even with the bees buzzing around. Perhaps in a few years we can take him to the Swiss crocus.
Felix ate his first solid food meal. It was brown rice mixed with breast milk. He seemed to like it that first time, but since then has refused to eat his porridge. Picky baby, must take after his father. Unfortunately, the pictures of this event must have been accidently deleted as I can not find them.
Also, Felix had his sixth month check up. He is doing very well. He can sit up, transfer objects between hands, make various sounds, and some imitation. He is nearly 27" long and weighs 15lbs. 1.5oz. This puts him in the 60th and 15th percentile respectively. We believe his low weight is due to the scale being skewed by formula fed babies, which tend to be heavier. Either way, he is very happy and very healthy.
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