Hey, look at that, if you scroll down to the bottom of this post you will notice that I learned how to take credit for my own posts.
Okay, so it has been a while since I've posted, but that just means there is more to tell. Why just today Felix broke a branch off of one of our plumeria plants, and that's just the beginning (or, to date, the last) of the misadventures of Felix Truman.
Several weeks ago, our family along with Felix's great-grandmother, Ramona, visited Northwest Trek. Northwest Trek is a wild life park that features animals indigenous to the Northwest. Unfortunately, we got so caught up in photographing the animals that we didn't get many of Felix. But here is an animal we saw, see if you can guess what it is.

If you said "buffalo", you are wrong. It's a bison, and apparently there is a difference, as true buffalo, though related to bison, are only found in Africa and Asia. It's too bad because I really prefer the name buffalo to bison. We also saw moose, or meese as some may incorrectly refer to more than one. At this time of year moose are without their antlers, otherwise I would have included a picture. It would be like posting a picture of a horse.
As we have done for the last several years, and what has become a tradition, we hosted Easter this year. In Seattle the weather is always hit or miss, but despite an early storm the day was beautiful. We had a lot of both sides of our family come over, which meant lots of cousins for the Easter egg hunt. Even little(?) Rooney participated, kind of. Felix had a lot of fun and loved being around all the kids, which wasn't a problem as they loved picking him up and carrying him around. Unfortunately we didn't get many pictures. We mostly videotaped. But we did make sure we got one picture.

That coat he is wearing is a coat that I wore when I was his age. I thank my mother for holding onto this coat so that one day my son could wear it. When we first put the coat on him, he wrapped his arms around himself, squeezed, and said "I love you, daddy". It was really touching.
Around Easter we discovered that Felix finally broke a tooth. He has two showing now, and a third upper tooth about to poke through. In contrast, Felix's cousin, Eva, has a mouthful of teeth, and she's only two and a half months older than him (she and I share a birthday, Jan 1st). We saw her, along with almost all of Renae's family, in Mount Vernon this past weekend to celebrate Felix's grandma Deanna's birthday. I think Eva's mom, Rita, said that Eva had a molar coming in.
Felix had a great time. He loved being around all those kids. Most of the kids played in this large room, large enough that it would echo. Felix screamed, and laughed along with the other kids. It was pretty neat to watch him interact with so many of his cousins, he has so much fun. Unfortunately the pictures didn't really turn out, they were blurry. Maybe later I'll post one anyway.

Lastly, Felix got a haircut. And I gave it to him. Usually my haircuts aren't that good, but after all those years practicing on Natalie and Megan, and then on Karma, well, it really paid off. Even Renae thought it looked it good. Also, you may notice that Felix is wearing shorts. We finally had a day warm enough for shorts.