Felix is very active as you can imagine, and is now able to stand up from a sitting postion without having to use an object to pull himself up. He also moves faster than we anticipated. See, we put this gate up to block Felix's access to our washroom, which is where we keep the dog's food dish. We set the bottom of the gate about a foot off the floor, this allows the dogs to come and go while discouraging Felix, well really just slowing him down. So I remove the gate just while I'm moving the clothes from the washer to the dryer, and in that time Felix sprinted,I guess, from the family room, across the entry, through the living room, through the kitchen, and finally the washroom to a new found love- a mouthful of kibble. I was able to fish them out of his mouth, but he really likes the dog's food, and how can you blame him? It's really good.
As many of you know, Felix's first birthday is March 10th. We are very excited, but time seems to be moving so fast it feels like I'm missing out on something. But before I get to that, Felix didn't want to seem like a hog so he asked me to help him extend a happy birthday to his Grandma Peggie, someone he almost shares a birthday with.

Anyway, back to Felix's first birthday. Well there's not much to tell yet, I'll have more to write about his first birthday after his first birthday. Then I will share it with you.
Renae has taken to feeding Felix in the nude, um... that's Felix in the nude. Actually, she did it this one time because she was going to give him a bath, then thought maybe I should feed him first, blah blah blah. Anyway, here is a picture:

Okay, honestly I don't know if any of that is true. Renae took this picture, I thought it was really cute and so I invented a backstory so that I could put it on the blog.
I want to wish Felix a happy birthday as well as thanking him for his birthday wishes to me. I got the phone message his dad left and want to note that Felix may be the more articulate of the two.
Great dog-food story! He's wiry and quick like his Dad!
Happy Birthday Felix!!!!! I can't believe it's been a year. Your Cousin Rooney is very excited about today. He can't wait to get down and PART-Y!!! Woo hoo DOG FOOD!
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