Felix celebrated his third Halloween and I can't believe how fast this is going. Last year I thought, "Felix may need another year or two to really appreciate Halloween, I can't wait until then", and then it's here. He loved Halloween, we had so much fun. He'd knock on doors, say trick or treat, take the candy, and thank them and leave. We gave him a bag that was too big, so we carried it for him most of the time. When the door was answered and as he said trick or treat, he had his outstretched hand with his clutching fingers giving the 'gimme' motion. Anyway, that Halloween I wistfully spoke of last year has come and gone. As you can see above, Felix was Peter Pan, or Robin Hood, or Link, or an elf. Whichever he was, he was adorable.
Before we get too far into Halloween I will share with you what I think became a cute picture. It was a Friday, a day that most of my stories with Felix take place, and he tells me that he wants to work on stuff. So he grabs his bucket of toy power tools, puts on his goggles, has me put on goggles, and then drilled some stuff while I sawed stuff.
Alright back to Halloween. Here are a couple of pictures at the pumpkin patch. It may look familiar to some of you. Rooney was there with Susan a couple of weeks ago.
Just before we took Truman out for trick or treating we were trying to take pictures of him when he got this idea that he wanted us to take a picture of him from behind. We asked him to stand still and I can see him thinking and then he says "take a picture of my back" and he turns his back to us to take a picture. And to make sure we were, he'd look back at us while turned around and say, "okay, take a picture".
I still don't know why he wanted that picture, and it wasn't in lieu of taking a frontal picture, he just wanted a picture from behind.
Here he is with his haul. We took some of it, actually, we took it all and I gave it out at my work. And before I get a bunch of comments about how I stole his hard earned candy, I'll tell you that Felix doesn't care for candy too much and he didn't care that we took it. He does like chocolate though, as long as it is just chocolate.
Maybe Felix wanted to show everyone that has a cute little behind? I also hope you kept a little chocolate for him and didn't give ALL the candy away...Also, what's up with the beard?
The beard is a long story, but it is gone.
The "take a picture of my back" is an old Morse trick, when Gma wants to take a grouip picture of us kids we tend to horse around and turn our backs to the camera. It never fails to delight us and frustrate Gma. She has finally given up and now keeps a picture displayed of the four of us with our backs turned to the camera. Sorta took the fun out of it. Can't she put out a good picture!?!
Thanks for shaving.
Rooney didn't get to keep any of his candy from trick or treating at Tim & Daddy's work either. He never asked for a piece (he didn't know what it was) & Mike & I didn't want it around the house either!
Although I'm sure Felix was thinking "Daddy why are you stealing my Halloween?"
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