Our little Trumie thought that we needed someone to guard our back door and decided that it would have to be him (nobody else would do it). What a guy. Anyway, something I meant to blog about several months ago, but kept forgetting to, is my realization that Felix had developed an imagination. When it first occurred to me, he and I were playing with some of his blocks building a little house. He said that we need a door to keep the cat out (we don't have a cat) and that the cat's crawling his way over so we have to put it up right away. Eventually, as he told me, oh no! the cat was now crawling on me. I had to wrestle it off and he suggested we run away from it. As we were hiding from the cats (it had become several now) I noticed one crawling on him. He clutched it and then threw it on to me, giggling "now it's on you". What a weasel. Since then we have wrestled as alligators, eaten like squirrels, been squirrels that have eaten alligators, and have been in several different situations.
He has allowed us to pass.
As it has been awhile since I last posted, I'll throw in some seemingly unrelated pictures. See if you can guess what they all have in common. I'll reveal the answer in the comments section.
Not only has Felix developed an imagination, he has also developed quite a mouth. A couple of weeks ago while Felix was atop Renae, she asked that he stop doing something, she doesn't remember what it was, when Tru grabbed her face in both hands, looked at her and said, "Honey, don't talk to me that way". The other day, I was in the living room telling Natalie and Renae some story in an animated way, Felix comes strolling in and demands "Hey, settle it down". And the anecdote I'll leave you with happened a couple of days ago, and I have no idea where he got this phrase as we would never say it to him. Truman is over at his little table and chair in the kitchen when he kicks over his chair and says to himself "I kicked over the chair". Renae, who is nearby and overhears him, asks him why, and he answers "Maybe I'm not a good listener".
The answer is- They are all of Felix Truman Howard, of course.
Well duh?!! I was staring & staring trying to find something more. Oh well, they're cute pics anyway.
Oh, I love Felix! Am am so lucky to live with that little guy! Maybe I won't ever move out...:D
Son of mine, that was the first thing that came to my mind. Great minds think alike, or it's in the genes. Meanwhile, I was laughing out loud at those things he's saying. I'm glad that you got it written down so it won't slip away as most of the funny things you all said as little kids has slipped through the Swiss cheese of my brain.
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