Though the tenth is Tru's birthday, we had family over on the eighth, which, coincidentally, is Felix's grandmother's birthday. For all that couldn't attend, I included the above video so that you too could experience the magic.
Felix really enjoyed having all the people there to celebrate his birthday, and so did we, though his birthdays are bitter sweet to me. Each of these annual milestones represent a year that I will never get back with him. Personally, I'm not ready for him to be three, though he was very excited with the prospect of being another number older.
In the days prior to his birthday party, he described in detail the backhoe that he would be gifted, and the one that would appear on his birthday cake. While he nailed the description of his gift, he was a little off with the details of the one that appeared on the cake. Sorry buddy, I tried. The big prize was his riding loader. Here you see his cousins Joie and Kennedy pushing him. They were so patient, or duped. After pushing him around for a while, they asked for a turn. Felix answered, "no, but you can keep pushing".
Felix liked his riding loader so much, he insisted on sitting in it while eating his pancake breakfast the next morning.