Felix has a best friend, April, who is about the same age and whose mom, Vala, nannies him two times a week so that I can get some work done. He is usually reluctant to go to Vala's until the moment we get to the door. Up until then he'll even say, "I don't want to go to Vala's." But when Vala and April open the door he hardly looks back or waves goodbye. He's gone and mom is long forgotten.
The other day, when I picked Felix up I heard that the following was exchanged:
Felix, "April, you're cute."
April, "You're cute too, Felix."
Felix, "I know."
and there was also:
April, "I love you, Felix."
Felix, "Yeah, you do."
Felix, I'm told, has also shared some choice language with April that is not suitable for this medium but I'm sure you can guess with these acronyms: WTH & MF. No one in the family will fess up to the source of these terms, but I have my suspicions. Luckily, Vala is Icelandic and speaks her native tongue to the children in addition to English and so with the with all the vocabulary going on these terms haven't been picked up by April yet.
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