I have some bad news: no pictures this post. We can't find our camera. This is unfortunate for I had what I believe to be a very cute picture of Felix posing with his SuperFlys on. At times Felix will fancy himself a superhero, he will actually say that he is a superhero and strike poses. He does not have any costumes so I imagine he pretends he is wearing one, honestly, I don't know, but Natalie got an idea to help spur an imagined superhero Hermes. She tucked tissue into the tops of his socks giving them the appearance of winged sandals. He called them his SuperFlys, and flitted around the family room demonstrating his super speed. It really was very cute, it's too bad you can't see it.
We are transitioning Tru to his bed, and it is going very well. My goal was to establish somewhat of a routine where, at around 8:30, we would lie him down in his bed and read some books together and maybe he would drift off to sleep. It hasn't quite worked out that way in that he has only drifted once since we started this about a week ago. But that is okay, the first night I tried this with him he didn't fall asleep. I told him that it was bedtime now, and that I was going to read in my room, and he was fine with that. He already had his little night light on, and after I left, he turned on his moon reading light above his bed. After a few minutes, I peeked around his door frame and saw him lying in bed looking at a book. This is exactly what I wanted to happen. The next night, Renae tried and wasn't quite as successful. He cried when she tried to leave. I went to relieve her and I was able to comfort Felix as he picked up his jar of little plastic animals. He will still come into our bed in the very early morning. But I don't mind. I liked having him sleep with us for as long as he did.
If and when we find the camera, I will post his SuperFly picture.
1 comment:
I guess you still don't have a camera....better buy another one!
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