I play on another softball team comprised mostly of coworkers. We are not very good but that is not what is important to this blog. Felix got smacked in the side of the head with a foul ball. Luckily it was off a bounce and it wasn't hard enough to illicit a cry, but I think if he remembers anything from that day, it won't be the homerun I hit left handed (no no no, stop, go on, thank you), it will be a ball to the head.
Felix made a new friend when he, Renae, and I had dinner at our friends', Kendra and Mike, house. Their son, Finn, is half Tru's age so, at this point, the difference was enough that they kind of did their own thing. What was unusual was that Felix took to Mike enough that he sat next to Finn on Mike's lap and had a book read to him. I think he even tried nudging Finn off his dads lap. Sometimes that boy is territorial even when it's not his territory. A few days later Felix's best friend, April, and her parents, Vala and Mike, came to dinner. Is it boys that feel they have to defend turf? Each time April picked up one of Tru's toys, he had to take it from her and first make sure it was one he felt she could play with. I don't remember Natalie or Megan being that way. Vala watches Felix often and she mentioned that when she takes them around other kids, Felix looks after April... or is this that turf thing?