It's been nearly a month since the accident and Felix still remembers it. When we first head out he will ask me, or whoever is driving, to go slow. It's not bad and he doesn't appear fearful anymore, it's actually a nice reminder for me to take my time and to be safe. Last Friday Natalie drove Felix and me to the store. It was the first time since the accident that we had that same configuration. As we pulled out of the neighborhood Felix congratulatorily said, "Wow, Natalie, you're not crashing!"
We did have a very scary incident last Wednesday, it was actually the scariest occurrence I've had since Felix was born. At one o'clock that morning I am awoke by our dogs incessant barking. That is not all that unusual as the dogs will bark at anything that moves: cats, raccoons, people (though not the night my bike was stolen). So I'm a little irritated but I can hear Natalie at the front door talking to someone, so I remain in bed. A few minutes later Natalie comes into my room with Felix in her arms. He is freezing, his bare feet and hands are like ice. It turns out he got out of his bed and, I suppose, in a groggy stupor he walked across the house, unlocked the deadbolt, and left the house looking for Renae. Earlier that night Renae was sitting in the van on our driveway finishing up some work on her laptop. It seems like Felix was back at that memory and still thought Renae was there. He stood outside the passenger door(the seat from which Renae was working) crying for Renae. Our neighbor across the street heard him, though initially she thought it was her grandchild from another part of her house. She soon realized it wasn't and sent her son to look outside. Upon seeing Felix, Ryan, ran over to Felix and brought him up to our open front door and Natalie. I was so shaken by what could have been, I held him on my chest for at least an hour and I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. The next morning Renae bought a latch for the door that only we could reach. Our neighbor said Felix was probably out there for ten minutes.
On a lighter note, I'll retell a recent exchange between Renae and Felix.
Felix: "Mom, come play with me"
Renae: "I can't right now, I have to finish working"
Felix: "Mom, don't tell me that crap!"
Oops. Between the sneaking out and the sass it's like having another teenager in the house, which makes us miss Megan all the more.
To Megan in California- we love you and miss you.

What's somnambulist? What were the results of your poll? And with some of the things that come out of Felix's mouth, he should be on that show "Kids Say the Darndest Things" :-)
cute picture
Who is Felix flipping off?
I don't see Felix flipping anyone off......What are you talking about?
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