Roll down your window? Hang up the phone. The actions these terms describe are no longer relevant. (Well, we do still have a manual window in the Geo, which sadly has to be used to operate the door since the inside door knob broke off, but you get the point.)
Felix pointed to something the other day and I w

as very confused and couldn't make out what he meant for sometime. I was describing how the humidifier worked and he asked me what the mouse was for. I didn't figure it out until the next day when we played with tanagrams and he repeated the use of the noun mouse for this directional identifier. See the picture below, Felix doesn't call that shape the term we might use. He calls it a mouse. As in the cursor on a computer screen.
1 comment:
That is so funny and interesting; he's a clever boy. I love his curiosity. Of course, now you have to sort out the mouse/cursor thing with him too!
Good thing Dana got rid of his mouse-breeding program too, huh?
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