Last weekend Renae and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in Port Townsend, the town in which we got married. Felix got to spend the weekend at his Aunt Rachael's, thank you Rachael. This post is not about last weekend, but the weekend prior; the weekend we visited the pumpkin patch. There is not too much to tell so maybe I'll load this post up with pictures. You'll notice our little Trumie is not wearing a coat, that is because we had beautiful weather for a Seattle October. Also because, as Felix told Renae, he doesn't need a coat because he has "super skin".

One last thing, Renae's brother, Tyler, is staying with us for a short while. Felix is enjoying having his uncle around. Tyler didn't come with us to the hunt for pumpkins and is not involved in this post in any other way. But how about some more pictures?

Those two (two, of course) little pumpkins Felix spent a lot of time selecting, they had to be just right. He also wanted to get some "big, little pumpkins", which means medium sized pumpkins.
Speaking of 'two', I just remembered a story from last Friday while Renae was working- There is a show on PBS that Felix enjoys called Wishbone, a show about a live action dog that stars as the main character in a retelling of several classic children's tales. He also has a new favorite color: black. As you know Felix likes things, he also likes to combine things he likes. In this case, while he and I were playing with some blocks and making a little dog kennel out of them, Felix went for the trifecta: two, black Wishbone dogs were the imaginary occupants of his kennel. He then expanded on his characters, they were a daddy and a little boy Wishbone. He also told me that there was a "mommy Wishbone, and a little girl Wishbone, and another girl Wishbone" he begins and looks me in the eye, slightly tilting his head and says mournfully, "but they are dead". But the daddy Wishbone and the little boy Wishbone had names: Dana and Felix. I was touched.
I can't help but imagine the two dead girl wishbone dogs where megan and i...
Sleep with one eye open Renae!
First pointer, now the dead Wishbone dogs......You guys better watch out over there!
i had a dream you updated the blog...i'm pretty disappointed.
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