We had a pretty busy holiday season, on December 20th we got together with all of Renae's family in Seattle. That was the first day of Seattle Snow Storm 2008. I don't know if that was the title the media gave it but it probably was. It was dry when we arrived at the hotel at around noon, but by 9:00 or so that night we had about six inches. Felix loved it.
We did some shopping that day, we trekked through the snow to the Westlake Mall. They have this display were an image is projected from overhead on to the floor. The image projected is interactive, I don't know how it works but the kids loved it. Look at that homeless guy sleeping on the floor in the background. I laid a dollar bill on the ground next to him.
The next morning we braved the snowy/icy conditions several blocks for doughnuts. Felix had his favorite: powdered doughnut chased with chocolate milk. In all my years of parenthood I have learned that kids really like sugar.
By Christmas Eve we received even more snow. More snow than I have seen in this area in the 13 years I've been here. Our house is in a bit of canyon and we tend to get a little less snow than surrounding areas, about two inches less. But you can see how high it comes up on Felix.
Before I get anyone telling me how little snow that is, and how they routinely experience several feet of snow, please note that in Seattle we don't see that kind of snow. We see maybe a couple of inches a year. Remember, this snow fall was given a title by the media!
Christmas Eve evening we went to cousin Rooney's were Felix scored an Optimus Prime, a Transformer. Transformers are Tru's new passion. That is what we play now when we wrestle; we pretend we are Transformers. But Transformers are not the "begin all, end all", they do have their deficiencies, such as not shooting black arrows. I only know that because Felix will stipulate that before play- "I am Optimus Prime but one that shoots black arrows".
Tru's sister, Megan, came for a visit over the Christmas holiday. He was very excited about her pending arrival and had a lot of fun with her while she was here. Natalie also stayed a couple of days. I had my first White Christmas ever this year where I didn't have to go somewhere else.
Later on Christmas day, we had family and friends over and I managed to capture not one picture, sorry. But here is what it looked like from our front door Christmas morning. I shoveled our driveway with a little hand held garden shovel. Not really.
Lastly, I've included this picture from Dec. 26th of Felix with my hat on solely because I thought it was cute. We spent Boxing Day with Tru's grandma and grandpa in Mount Vernon.
You spent Christmas with some family?!?
Sounds like it might have been more than just "some family"
Yeah, I was there too I think
Did Felix get a decent credit line with his Optimus Prime?
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