Renae is currently enjoying a vacation in New York City. That leaves Felix and me to fend for ourselves. In seriousness, I have been looking forward to this because I don't get a lot of love when mommy is around. And then, as my luck would have it, I caught a cold. I felt well enough except that by Saturday it really hurt to talk. Playtime was a lot of me trying to communicate and respond to Felix with hand gestures and whispers, and trying to alleviate his frustrations with my lack of enthusiasm.
Sunday I felt much better and we headed to the Burke Museum at the University of Washington, where we met up with Tru's pal, Finn, and Finn's parents. We had never been there but I told Felix that there was a casting of a full mastodon fossil there that he became very excited to see. The mastodon did not disappoint... however my picture will. Very soon after this picture a very nice gentlemen told us to cease with the taking of the pictures.
We sneaked (spell check is telling me 'snuck' is not a word) in another shot. I got Felix standing next to a casting of... I guess the equivalent of an apatosaurus radius, I don't know what names they ascribe to dinosaur bones. They're probably the same, huh? We also saw an allosaurus which I got wrong and Felix got right. As we approached it I asked him what he thought it was and he pointed out that it had longer arms (longer than T-rex) and three fingers on his claw-hands so it was an allosaurus. I said "I don't know, it looks a little small for an allosaurus". I checked the little placard and Felix was right. I should have listened to him, he dreams about being an allosaurus.
Afterwards we went to lunch at Schultzy's and Felix got a hot dog he didn't eat because it had a little black on it. And after that we spent some time with sister Natalie at a park before she went to work.
Alright, I'll try to wrap this up. It is true that I got Felix a camera for his birthday and this is a picture he took with that camera. It is one of many, many pictures he has taken... with his camera... not mine. Besides, Felix is really pleased with the picture he took.
And lastly, the picture below was taken by Renae before she left. I don't know a lot about what transpired, or where the class was, or who else was there, I do know this, though; I asked Felix if I could bring that picture to work and hang it in my office and he said no.
I guess felix really likes his painting then. And the picture he took is pretty cool. (Tell him I said this?) Love you guys! Sorry you got sick, didn't know that!!
This picture of Felix painting was taken last week at one of a series of Active Moms and Tots only Art Classes. Rooney was there also. Felix said this is a painting of a building. Pretty nice work!
Sorry to hear you were sick, the virus is apparently being transported illegally across state lines (I smuggled it here from Illinois). Those are nice pics you posted, Felix did a good job with the evening sky pic and his eyes are literally sparkling the pic of him in front of the mastodon. I think you posted the video short in a very early post on the blog too. I thought that was where I'd first seen it. I'm glad it resurfaced, it always makes me smile. And lastly, Felix did a bang-up job on designing that building, good use of color and space, and plenty of rooms to roam around in.
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