As was requested, I've included a picture of Felix with his haircut a-la Dana. The "professional" haircut left the back of his hair stepped straight across along the bottom and over the ears with no tapering, and the top of his head choppy with tufts of hair at different lengths. I could only do so much with the Bettie Page bangs she'd given him.

This year Felix really got into decorating eggs. We had eight different colors and also some tactile adornments- such as spider legs that an egg could lay in. We also had one of those wax crayons that coloring won't adhere to so anything you write or draw will appear after coloring; Tru wasn't too into that. He preferred dropping the eggs into to the different colors and making new designs to which he would state "how cool is that?".

Felix was eager to see what the Easter Bunny had brought him Easter morning but he patiently lied in our bed, waiting until mom and dad where ready. This was our first Easter morning without Natalie and/or Megan which was a little sad, but it made for a pretty relaxing morning. Natalie did come down later in the day, and our usual hosting of Easter dinner for both sides of our family and some friends, didn't work out this year, but Aunt Annie and Susie and their families did come over.

This past week Renae's biological dad, Dave, and her brother, Josh, came up from Georgia for a visit. I would tell you all about it, but I'll leave that to Renae. I will say that Felix was pretty bummed when they left.
The video below was shot by Renae while I was at work. I can only speculate on what was happening but I thought it was cute so I posted it. I didn't know if Renae would.
I think it's obvious what they're doing. They are practicing being pizza men, throwing the dough.
You did a good job on his hair, it looks pretty good. He has cowlicks like his Uncle Casey.
Felix Truman, is not amused....in the picture above the video.
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