Quite a bit has happened since the last post so where to begin? Let's start with Star Wars. I don't recall if I've mentioned before that Felix has discovered Star Wars and after several viewings of each of the movies, he has identified himself with Anikan Skywalker. His fondness for Anikan came despite Felix knowing that Anikan becomes Darth Vader (sorry if I ruined the movie for anyone). Though, in the end I suppose, after killing millions of people, causing untold suffering, Darth Vader, with his dying breath, made peace with his son. So he was a good guy after all. Anyway, my point is... what I'm getting to is that Felix found some of Renae's makeup, took it to the bathroom, and applied it to his jaw, chin and above his lips. Very pleased with his appearance he turned to Renae and told her "I look just like Anikan Skywalker".

I am now editing this in: With Renae's help, it has occurred to me that it may not be apparent why Felix thought he looked like Anikan. You might remember that, after pod racing, the bottom half of Anikan's face got dirty where the top half was protected by goggles. That's what Felix was referring to.
As most of you already know, we have chickens; and to help Felix better understand chickens Renae picked up a book about them from the library. The other night while reading that book to Felix, we came across a page with a picture of a hen with three chicks under her wing and three chicks in various places on the page. As I was reading that page Felix interrupts me to say "Two threes is six" And then more confidently, as he became sure he was right, he adds "Three plus three is six". I thought that was pretty cool seeing as we haven't gone over anything like that with him. And as we are on the topic of chickens, follow this link to a pretty funny video of Felix trying to catch a chick: Okay, I can't get the "insert link" to work, so just cut and paste this link into your browser:

Last week Renae went garage-saling (a verb in the 'burb) and came across a boss Spiderman bike with training wheels, and just days before that Felix was asking for a bike. Anyways, I wasn't there when he first got to ride it but Renae did take several short videos and I was able to see him progress from being very tentative to very comfortable. As he excitedly told me when he got home, he was very pleased at how much faster he could go on this bike compared to his trike.
One last thing I almost forgot; Felix had been sleeping on a mattress on the floor. We were afraid that he would accidentally roll out of bed onto his hard wood floor. He asked us for a bed frame the other day and now he has one. He is very happy with it, and has managed to sleep the whole night in his bed a few times since we put it in.
1 comment:
Thanks for the video! Pretty soon he'll partner with you for the STP. When you were a bit younger than Felix you were identifying individual letters of the alphabet on your own. I'm very impressed with his math skills and maybe he'll become our mathlete. Lastly, I love the way kids minds work with Felix choosing that particular thing to make him look like Anikan and I totally get it.
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