While visiting his good friend Charlie, Felix and his good friend came up with a story about a pickle. Charlie's old man, Daryl, provided much of the animation and expertise. Pickle Story 2 was narrated by our Truman.
Felix has begun full days at school. We were a little anxious about how he would take it, but, as Renae tells me, it was like he was just at school the day before. He seemed more at ease about it than Renae... until Renae experienced the six and half hours of time to herself. I have noticed a huge increase in something called "bon-bons" on the expense reports I make her submit. I kid, Renae works very hard in that time.

This past weekend we attended a picnic at Felix's school. The school has an impressive garden that Renae and Felix helped establish last year. Here you see Felix picking an ear of corn.We were able to harvest over 40 ears, which I think is pretty good seeing as that our garden yielded one ear.

He also demonstrated his bar agility skills as he traversed from one end of the bar to the other using only his hands. He was very proud of that. This is something that he would not have even tried not too long ago. I was very happy for him.
After the picnic we headed over to a barbeque at, Felix's friend, Finn's house, where Finn's old man, Mike, had just completed an elevated deck with a fantastic view over Puget Sound (and surrounding neighbor's yards). It really is very cool, and as night fell, Kendra busted out some safe n' sane sparklers:

Ahhhhhh! I LOVED the pickle story! And in today's mail I received a lovely drawing of what looks like safe and sane fireworks as well!
I will be sending Felix a note.
Sounds like a great way to start the school year. Fireworks too!
Dear lord he is soooo cute! Instead of saying "the end" he should just say "I'm adorable love me". Because that is what will happen to anyone listening to it.
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