Sunday, November 01, 2009

Spiderman on Sugar!

Of course, Dana beat me to blogging. As is often the case, while Dad was busy blogging about life with Felix, I was in the midst of living in the moment with Felix. (Doh!) Felix wasn’t about to let me work on the computer, even if it was to tell loved-ones about him. Instead, when he saw that I too had pulled out the laptop, he quickly got between the computer and me and asked to play the writing game (Word). Among the various consonant laden illegible jumbles there were two very distinctly recognizable phrases “Cat and Hat” and “Dad and Mom”. To be fair, we switched roles halfway through the blogging competition. By then Felix was sick of mom and wanted only to engage dad in play. Dad, meanwhile was heavily invested in one of his many blog-rewrites so I had to wait to post my blog after his.

Felix is pictured here with his biggest admirer, Cinderella-April (you can almost see the hearts in her eyes) at the Active Moms And Tots Halloween Party that Grandma Peggie took him to. This was the year of true involvement in Halloween for Felix. He carved several pumpkins, almost totally by himself. He insisted on decorating (cobwebs everywhere) and had no fear of his own costume. He rearranged our garden graveyard many times, no longer too freaked by the zombie decorations. He had all the appropriate terms down, sometimes saying all parts of the script at once, “Trick or Treat. Happy Halloween. Thank you. Your Welcome.” I even heard him say to his best bud Charlie while waiting for a door to open, “Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.” On Halloween night , he elected to go see a well-decorated house even though it was starting to sprinkle and when the rain came down heavier he chose to return home satisfied that he had collected enough.

When we got home he quickly removed his shoes and dumped his bag and said, “Now I get to eat my candy, right?” He has determined that peanut butter cups and tootsie rolls are his favorite candy, while Oreos still top his favorite ‘sugar food’ list. This morning's daylight savings extra hour was spent watching the scariest of Halloween scenes: Felix high on candy! He was drooling, running in circles, saying crazy things and generally acting like there is an impending crash involving tantrums and tears. (This is as far as I get in my blog as he has declared he’s going potty and my duty (pun intended) is to check to make sure he wiped properly.) Ah, the joys of motherhood.


Dana said...

For the record, I had no time to rewrite. Renae was pressuring me to post as she had a zinger prepared that required mine to post first.

powwy said...

The rainy Halloween can be a real windfall. I took Felix's uncle Casey out on a Saturday Halloween during a downpour. We didn't get far, got soaked to the skin, but there weren't any other kids out and he scored handsful of candy from every house since there was no one else around to give it to.
I so enjoyed spending some time with Felix while I was there. It was so fun to see him completely at ease and belly laughing at "Bubbleman." There is nothing like the belly laugh of a child.