We've been pretty busy lately; consequently, blogging has had to take a back seat. Unfortunately, by the time I get to it I've forgotten much of the detail of what I wanted to post. Memories slip through the pores of my mind like nutrients through the intestinal walls. Isn't that pretty? You can use that. Well, let's see what I can do.

As do most people I know, we celebrated Easter by having our child hunt around the house for a basket full of goodies. You'll notice he's wearing one Batman slipper- he couldn't find the other one. And rather than put on socks or something else, he wore his single slipper the entire morning.

As most know, we have chickens. As the eggs vary in color from each chicken, each chicken gave us unique and interesting eggs upon coloring. Also, the eggs held the dye so well the coloring turned out really deep. Here you see Felix showing off some of his handiwork. In years past our Tru liked bedazzling the colored eggs with various embellishments, but with the eggs as colorful as they were this year, he opted to leave them as is.

The Tuesday after Easter, Renae took Felix and some friends to Northwest Trek. The park is discussed in a post from a couple of years ago. I really don't know too much about what happened as I wasn't there, but I do know that one of Felix's best pals, Charlie, went along. Evidently, they saw some eagles.

The biggest news, however, was that Tru's grandma Peggie bought a house and moved up here from Los Angeles. Uncle Casey drove up with grandma and how many pictures did I manage to take of my brother whom I haven't seen in years? I won't bore you with the answer. In the lead up to grandma's arrival, Felix helped fix up the property by pulling weeds and pruning trees in the yard. Upon her arrival, he was very eager to introduce her to her new house, showing her all the neat little things (the laundry chute, the multiple attic accesses, the hidden room under the porch) he had discovered in the weeks prior.
Last, though not least, another one Tru's best pals, cousin Rooney, came over for a day. It turned out to be a beautiful day and the boys helped us wash cars with their water guns.
That's great your mom moved up there finally! I'll expect to lots more of her in the posts too. But seriously....not a single picture of Casey? Did Susie get any? Anyway, keep up the good posts.
thanks for the nod Dana, and oh boy, Felix has been so friendly! I really think it's the house, he told me the best thing about my house was the little doors (the attic access), and every time he's over he likes to go up and check them out.
Lisa, I posted some pics of Casey on facebook
Oh man that last pic is funny! Are the boys in pj's? I don't remember sending Rooney over in that outfit
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