Well, our first attempt at feeding Felix baby food went pretty well but since then he wont eat solids. His response has been a pretty consistent, "No thank you". He purses his lips, scrunches up his face, turns away and frowns. At first sign of one of his spoons he starts to get a stubborn look and then the only time he'll open his mouth is if we cajole him into laughter! His refusal to try any solid foods has worried us a little bit as we want him to develop his swallowing, etc. Mom is having a hard time providing all his calories (about 42 ounces per day) via breastmilk and would really, really like to have him sleep longer through the night on a full tummy. But we are holding out and not using formula yet. We've tried rice cereal, barley, sweet potatoes, avocado, bananas, green beans, peas, and carrots. We've tried home made from scratch and boxed / jars. The closest we've had to success was either sneaking in a spoonful of peas or the one time he grabbed a green bean from mom's plate and choked on it. Felix's grandmother was convinced that bananas would do the trick and so when we spent the weekend at her house recently we tried squashing an organic banana and feeding it to him. I think mom still has it in her hair!
Interesting. I don't know where that reluctance to try nonbaby food comes from. It's a mystery that may never be solved.
Have you tried Blueberry Buckle? An oldie but a goodie. Maybe a little baby fruit mixed in cereal.
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