Here you can see Natalie helping Felix ride his cousins bike, and to the right, Felix with his cousin Joie. Felix Truman loves playing with his cousins, especially those that are only a few years older.
And we know how much Felix loves backhoes- here he is burying his cousin Kennedy while his cousin Brian looks on.
Now it is time for my amusing story that is completely unrelated to anything else in this post and for which I have no picture- Often when I cook I will need to use an oven mit, the one I use is red. When I don mine, Felix will insist on wearing a green one that he calls his. The other day was Renae's turn to cook and she had the audacity to use "my" oven mit. Felix wasn't havin' it, "that's daddy's glove", he forcefully declared. Renae tried to tell him that it was okay, and that I said that she could use it. "No, that's daddy's!", he said angrily and tried to snatch it off her hand. Yep, that's my boy.
Back to the post- After our camping trip, Renae, Felix, and I went out to Ocean Shores, a little town on the Washington coast, for a few days. The first two days were also a little cold, but the third day was beautiful. And rather than tell you about what a good time Felix had, I'll show you-
He was tentative about the water at first, but once he got in he loved it.
1 comment:
This video is hilarious! I've watched it several times. Good blackmail material for later use.
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