About a week ago, I took Felix to the Museum of Flight. Felix loves machines; he loves earth movers, planes, trains, motorcycles, helicopters, jackhammers, cranes, all kinds of large machines (though his first and truest love is still the backhoe)- so the Museum of Flight was hog's heaven to Felix. He spent quite a bit of time on the second floor landing, staring out over the atrium at the many suspended planes and helicopters.
The latter part of our visit was spent at the kids play area. As you can see, there is a at one time fully functional helicopter that was originally promoted and sold as a commuter vehicle. He waited for as long as he could before he gently tried to push that other boy out of the pilots seat.
Renae bought Felix Truman some plastic hockey sticks and set up a little net (thank you Susan) for him in the street a couple of days ago. Felix had a lot of fun, but what I find really interesting about what happened is- see the shirt Felix is wearing? You may remember that shirt from several posts ago. That was the shirt he wore when he went with his cousin Rooney to the soccer camp. This is the first time he has worn that shirt since that day. When we put it on him earlier in the day, he said, "We go to soccer now". I don't know if he was asking or remarking, I just thought it was funny that he remembered that that was the shirt he wore to soccer.
Oh he wants to play soccer with Roonster! Rooney can't wait until Fall.
Watch out for the creepy guy in the red car behind Felix!!!
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