Straight up wrestling is not Felix's favorite. He will ask to wrestle but it will turn into some other type of combat that includes some kind of gimmick, such as becoming a transformer, or busting out his lightening powers, maybe picking up a toy hockey stick and using it as a gun. As for myself, I'm generally not a fan of the gimmicks. I don't get a lot of cuddle time with Felix and had hoped to use wrestling as a ruse to sneak in a hug. Tru saw through it until he (unwittingly) and I developed a wrestling game were the point was to wrestle the other one down and kiss their head or cheek as many as you could get in. It's one of his favorite games now.
Another game he came up with is "Pachycephalosaurus". About two weeks ago, while wrestling, Felix suddenly declared that he was a pachycephalosaurus, he lowered his head, got a running start, and speared me in the chest. I was not expecting it and he seemed very pleased with himself. It is also now a favorite game of his.
I love it!!! Good game. Also, just the fact that he can get out a tongue-twister seven syllable word is a fete all in itself!
He wrestled with Mike and Rooney the other night when we watched him. His gimmick that night was to run at Mike with this arms straight out in front of him. Mike thought it was a pretty good move.
When I first read the title of this post I thought maybe it was about that night of wrestling because Rooney and Felix did head butt (Pachycephalosaurus are also known as Bone-Heads).
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