Friday, April 10, 2009

Vanity Hair

A couple of months ago Felix asked that we allow his hair to grow out; he wanted it longer like a couple of older boys in his class (one, coincidentally, is also named Felix). Though Renae and I didn't like how his hair looked, we let him choose how he wore his hair. But what became apparent was that Tru has phased vanity into who he is.
A couple of weeks ago our friend Kelly took her son Charlie to get his hair cut, and Felix, who's hair was fairly long by then, tagged along. Somehow Felix was convinced to get his hair cut. He told me later that he just didn't want it long anymore.

The pictures of him grooming are just before the haircut. He had it in mind how he wanted to look. By the way, the haircut they gave him was terrible. It looked like the haircutter's only goal was to shorten his hair. Upon seeing the sloppy job done I had mentioned out loud that it just would not do and fixed it myself. It looks much better and I openly congratulated myself on what a good job I had done. But as for Felix's vanity- I just don't know how that happens.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should post a picture of Felix with his great haircut from Dad.

powwy said...

It looks cute all kinda shaggy. It has gotten a lot darker lately.

Unknown said...

Shave it and start over.