Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Our friend Kelly signed up her son, Charlie, for T-Ball and asked if Felix would like to join his team.  Knowing the answer, Renae and I didn't ask Felix and signed him up without his consent.  When we did eventually tell him, he sulked and moped around a bit.  We told him the name of his team would be the ultra-cool "TimberRattlers".  Not even that cheered him up (and it could have been worse, one of the teams was named 'Hooks' and had a picture of a fishhook with menacing eyes and a sinister smile on their shirts.  I'm not making that up).
Eventually came the day for the TimberRattlers' first practice- Felix wanted no part of it.  While the rest of the team participated, he stood next to Renae and me, telling us he just wanted to watch.  Not even his best friend, Charlie, could get him to join.  About halfway through the practice the coaches were having the boys pair up and throw a ball back forth to each other.  I took this opportunity to throw a ball away from him and ask him to retrieve it- we were still away from the rest of the team.  Felix got and threw it back, and then I lobbed him another ball which he returned.  Even before then, we could tell that Felix wanted to join the team, as they appeared to be having a lot of fun, but was too shy.  Eventually, I angled us around to where Felix and I were playing catch in line with the rest of the team.  Soon after, one of the coaches called the team to huddle up, I started to walk that way and then stepped back once Felix reached the huddle.  When he first noticed I wasn't there he leaned out of the huddle towards Renae and me, but then turned back to the huddle.  After that he had a great time.  Our friend Kelly had mentioned that if Renae wasn't there, Felix would have jumped right in.  Felix has always been a little shy and will often take a few moments of observation before participating, but I have found that if Renae is present, Felix is much more apprehensive about participating, and I don't know why.  He does love his momma, maybe he can't bear to leave her.
The subsequent practices went great, and he especially liked the games.  I've not played t-ball so I was surprised that they didn't keep score.  Also, an inning is one time through each team's lineup and all but the last batter advance one base at a time.  The last batter gets a "home run" and clears the bases.  That's all fine, I just didn't know that's how it would be.  I wonder if that is typical of t-ball.  While in the field, the players would stand next to one of about twelve flat cones scattered about the field.  This was to help them locate a position.  They were also supposed to stay near their cone unless the ball was hit near them.  Many of the kids ignored this rule, though Felix took it to heart and would not move from his cone for anything.
I got use of an IPod and would have had this great little clip of Felix hitting and running to first.  My lack of familiarity with the device foiled my efforts so I will try to explain- just know that I will not be able to convey the cuteness of the moment:  Felix is up to bat and I am kneeling along the first base line IPod at the ready.  The picture above is indicative of my position.  Felix smacks the ball out to the outfield and is hustling down to first.  Felix is all smiles as he passes me and then turns around, running backward to first, looks at me, waves, and says "I love you, dad", then turns forward again to first.  BAAAHHHHH!  I thought I had it recorded.  It turns out I was recording when he came up to bat and then stopped recording during his at bat.  It was a great moment regardless.

1 comment:

powwy said...

I love that story, glad you recorded it on the blog.