Usually, cutting Felix's hair has fallen to me... because I'm cheap. In actuality, it's because Felix wouldn't allow anyone else to cut his hair, though there are two exceptions: about nine months ago, our friend, Kelly, took her son and Felix for haircuts at one of those places that specializes in children with the barber chairs that look like trains, and before that, by his aunt Rachael. Both haircuts were terrible, sorry Rachael. So I continued to do a mediocre job until Renae said that she wanted him to have a "good" haircut for school (which begins next week). So after a little bit of "I don't want a haircut", I asked him again last Friday and he agreed. We walked down to our neighborhood barber (where I go) and Kelly (not the one named earlier) gave him his first "good" haircut.

Several weeks ago, Seattle made the national news with record high temperatures. On July 29th we hit 105 degrees, which I understand is the record now. The next week was a succession of 90+ degree days; which was great because the following week was my vacation and we were going three hours drive North to Vancouver, Canada to spend several days at the beach. Day one of my vacation we saw the bottom drop out; temperatures in the low to mid sixties the entire week. Not only that, after I can't remember how many weeks without rain, we got storms. The next week, the week I returned to work, we saw the return of beautiful weather as temperatures got to the mid-eighties and low nineties. It was perfect.
Anyway, our vacation became mostly a staycation, though we did still head up to Canada for some of it. We went to Vancouver's version of Seattle's Pacific Science Center (our membership got us in), and a visit to Stanley Park. We also trekked up to Capilano Suspension Bridge, which Renae and I took the girls to probably over a decade ago. Back then, the day we went was pouring rain and a crew was filming a scene for the TV show Sliders, staring Mr. Rebecca Romjin.

Renae was nearly petrified crossing the bridge, she tightly gripped the rope railing while baby shuffling across the expanse. Jerry O'Connell and another actor from the series were behind Renae, amused by her terror. To walk across the Capilano Suspension Bridge was free back then. It is not free anymore, in fact it is now $30 a person. $90 to walk across a bridge Renae wanted nothing to do with anyway? Forget it.
As for Tru... he seems to be really excited about discovering that some numbers added to either the same number or a different number, makes an entirely different number. "Daddy, daddy, three plus two makes five!"
Yesterday, Natalie was over spending time with Felix and asked him if he wanted to watch anything, he answered "anything you want, kid".